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National Immigration Forum

The National Immigration Forum is an immigrant rights organization that, according to its website, “advocates and builds public support for public policies that welcome immigrants and refugees and are fair to and supportive of newcomers to our country.”

The forum presses lawmakers to adopt immigrant-friendly policies. Founded in 1982, the forum has more than 250 membership organizations. It works with groups that provide services to immigrants at the national and local levels. Its Web site includes comprehensive information on legislation, such as summaries and analyses of bills, congressional votes, links to other sources of information and updates on policy. The site also posts comments on news coverage and links to public opinion polls. “The Debate” tab features links to reports and policy papers on issues such as due process, the economy and naturalization.

The Community Resource Bank is a clearinghouse of information on ways communities have helped immigrants integrate into U.S. society, and includes information on state and local government initiatives, immigration population data, “success stories” from pro-immigrant projects, links to reports on issues such as public safety and law enforcement, and a directory of pro-immigrant organizations.

Comments: The National Immigration Forum provides information from a pro-immigration stance. Its summaries and links to legislation and congressional votes, however, are straightforward. The media often quotes its experts, identifying them as advocates for immigrants’ rights, on legislative matters in this subject area.

Political Leanings: Pro-immigration and immigrant rights